Fokker D.XI Soviet camouflage test
Fokker DXI was used in Soviet Union and most of its service spent in standard camouflage colors. Some of interesting camouflaged test was made by Evgeniy Fedorovic Burche, with accordance with Soviet officials. During the 1926, he had test one Fokker D.XI in winter camouflage. Camouflage was good in some level and in 1927, he continued with test. He also used other types for test.

New test camouflage consist of three color, similar used on test on R-1, and that was two shades of green and one brown. For demarcation between colors was used pale cream color. Paint were applied in geometrical form. During the testing, brown color was replaced with more suitable shade and in final appearance, Fokker D.XI had four camouflage colors at top. Test was made in various weather conditions, time, distance and with different background. Four pilots was used for test trials. Fokker D.XI was visible in all conditions. That was thanks to yellow light shade and it was later suggested for changing tone up to khaki dark. This testing’s ended in 1928.
Srecko Bradic