Sukhoi Su-30SM video
The Russian Defense Ministry has released a new video with their Sukhoi Su-30SM multipurpose fighter jet performing aerobatics and deploying weapons.

The Sukhoi Su-30SM is 4++ generation triplane, two-seat, twin-engine aircraft suitable for all-weather, air-to-air and air-to-surface combat missions. The Su-30SM is the first Su-30 jet to feature thrust vector control, which allows the jet to change the direction of thrust from the engine, providing more agility and the ability to control angular velocity.
Combat load of the su-30CM with a total weight of 8000 kg is carried on 12 hardpoints. The armament of the aircraft in conjunction with avionics system provides defeat of air targets including low radar visibility, in the melee, the successful conduct pre-emptive aerial combat at long range, destroy ground and sea targets with guided and unguided weapons at the tactical and operational depths of the enemy defense.
Srecko Bradic