Bf 109 Bible
I was highly impressed with the content and quality of the publications released by Caraktere, from the first moment I got my samples. Very shortly after they started the aviation history magazine Aero Journal, they also started work on special editions and they have just proven they are of outstanding quality. Since I get a lot of publications from English speaking countries, simply comparing shows its superiority and I have noted in my emails that it would be great if any of these publications could be also published in English. Finally, after many years, they’ve started with English editions and the first one is the book about the Bf 109!!!

The book is softbound and a big one, total of 192 pages and they are published in French as well as in English language. Content is identical, difference is only in the language. So many archive images, drawings, manual extracts and of course-nice color profiles. Well, my first question is where did they get all of these images, many of them are really amazing and interesting. Authors are two well known names in the field, Jean Claude Mermet and Christian Jacques Ehrengardt. The book they made is the culmination of knowledge about the Bf 109. Let’s see what’s inside…

First chapter is Genesis and as the name says, it gives the story about the development of the fighters in Germany before the Bf 109 as well as development of the Bf 109. This chapter also includes political and historical circumstances of the period, technical advantages of the Bf 109 project and what is intriguing many air enthusiasts for the years- is it Bf 109 or Me 109? Next chapter deals with versions A to D, the first and very early versions and first to see combat missions. Versions E and T are the subject of the next section and as the previous one, it has nice info supported with excellent drawings from manuals as well as archive images and illustrations. Model F or ’Fritz’ was completely redesigned Bf 109 and it is subject of the next chapter. And the largest chapter is dedicated to the versions G and K, which was the longest built series and with so many versions and variations. The last chapter which deals with versions is Special versions and there are included many experiments with this airplane. The very last chapter is the Appendix which is also very important and interesting with a lot of data provided.

The book is mainly technically orientated and it definitely covers all that you need to know about this plane. If you have any interest in this plane, this book is definitely for you! No doubt we have the Bf 109 Bible here and its worth having! And guess what? Part 2 is in preparation…

Big thanks to my friend Jean Claude Mermet for arranging samples books for me and I wish him good health and many more books to publish. Oooo yes- book for you? Here!!
Srecko Bradic