Brush Magic
The cleaning of tools and equipment takes some time and the results are not always perfect. There are many products available on the market for years but none of them give me satisfaction. And then comes Brush Magic which changes everything!

I think that I am the perfect person to test it since I work many review builds and my tools, especially airbrush, are just lightly washed, enough to keep them in working condition. So I have to test how this fluid will work with my airbrush, brushes as well as my spatula for cement and filler application. Brush Magic comes in a plastic bottle with a good cap. Just in case I used latex gloves. Brush Magic does not have any odor.

The first thing I noticed is my pot, layers of paints started to lift and peel off when I poured Brush Magic, so I cleaned up the pots and the result was great, I achieved a perfect surface in less than a minute. After that I poured new Brush Magic and soaked the airbrush parts. In the same pot I put my spatula with hardened filler.

Ten minutes later… I took first my spatula and lightly washed it with cotton and revealed clean black plastic surface. I was impressed, I expected it would clean but not the hardened filler. Work with airbrush cleaning was even easy, light wash inside and outside and airbrush parts shine again like new!

I then took a brush I thought was clean. Shaking in Brush Magic resulted that clear and transparent liquid got some green tint, so it removed some invisible remains of paint I used previously with that brush. Note- the brush was cleaned up with thinner and then washed with soap and water. Brush Magic detected even this extra small amount of paint somewhere in the brush.
The best part of this story is that Brush Magic does not evaporate so when you complete cleaning, just put the liquid into some small bottle and use it again. A perfect product and I credit it as ’must have’ product! Big thanks to Hobbyshop for sample product and you can have yours here!
Srecko Bradic