TNT 51
The new TNT magazine is as always full of interesting informations. Less articles this time, but a big one presenting Dr Porsche’s projects.

In TNT #51 you will find:
- L’armée argentine: l’Ejercito Argentina fête ses 205 ans! (The Argentinian Army : the Ejercito Argentina haves its 205th birthday !) : the article presents the actual material used by Argentina: M113, Gaucho, Norinco, Polaris amongst other things and the TAM VC & Patagon tanks. (4 pages, 12 photos)
- Lafayette G Pool: in the “men and tanks” serie, this time the article presents Lafayette G. Pool, an American soldier that operated on Sherman tanks that claimed 258 kills (2 pages, 1 photo, 5 drawings)
- Le cuirassé terrestre Schneider C.A.1 (the land cruiser Schneider C.A.1): that long article depicts the genesis of the Schneider C.A.1. The idea to create such a tank emerged when the front was stabilized and the war becomes a trenches war. The goal was to create a vehicle able to cross the trenches to go to fight more far in the enemy dispositive. The Schneider had to face the concurrence of the Renault FT and will not have any descendance… (8 pages, 14 photos, 1 technical date, 1 page of b/w drawings)
- Les half-tracks 3è partie: les variants anti-aériennes (The half-tracks part 3: the anti-aircrafts variants): when the Ameriacn army analysed the campaign of Poland and the Battle of France, they constated the importance for the Germans of the air-t-ground attacks (Stukas). So the US Army decided to counter the menace and developed an anti-aircraft platform on half-tracks. (12 pages, 5 photos, 2 color drawings, 9 pages of b/w drawings)
- Le Koweit (Kuwait): durong the Gulf War, the Free Kuwait decided to modernize his army, and to replace their Chieftains with M-84AB bought from Yugoslavia. But American lobbying intervened and the Kuwait Army bought also M1A2 Abrahms in 1994… (4 pages 8 photos, 2 technical datas)
- Les monsters de Porsche (Porsche’s monsters): Dr Ferdinand Porsche conceived amongst other things the popular Volkswagen (or DKF-Wagen) to give to civilian people the opportunity to buy a low cost vehicle. But he was also involved in the concept of military material (Kübelwagen, etc) and close to Hitler. His vision of tanks was axed on very big and heavy ones His projects were: VK 30.01, Ferdinand, Maus, and derivates, but haves also some unsuccessful projects like the VK.45.02(P), the Porsche Type 245-010 Leichter Panzer mit 5.5cm vollautomatischer Waffe and the Schwere Kleiner Panzer mit 10,5cm. (22 pages, 15 photos, 13 color drawings, 8 pages of b/w drawings)
- Les Istrebitelnaja Samokhodnaya Ustanovka – Une famille de chasseurs de fauves (The Istrebitelnaja Samokhodnaya Ustanovka – a family of beast hunters) : the USSR was impressed by the heavy Panzers Tiger and Jagdpanzer ferdinand and was is need of such material. That resulted in the ISU family, nicknames “Zveroboy” or beast hunters. (18 pages, 21 photos, 7 pages of b/w drawings, 2 technical datas, 4 color drawings)
- Cruiser tank MK. VIII Cromwell MK.IV versus Panzer IV Ausf.H : the traditional article comparing the equivalent material of two armies. (6 pages, 2 pages of color drawings, one for each vehicle, drawings for comparison of armor, speed and abilities)
- Actualité du livre (new books): two pages about the new books in French.
Very interesting as always…
Daniel Clamot