APC decals French Canberra
I hope that some of you remember this great article where is presented one very interesting and less known subject—the Canberra in French service.

Not long after this article had been released, APC from the Czech Republic printed and put in sale decals for the French Canberra. We present here samples in 1/144 scale and APC also makes them in other scales. This is a limited edition and they are very well printed.

Decals are just a few and very easy to apply. An important detail is that the decals are one film so you have to trim each decal as tightly as possible before use. Final result is a very rare and interesting kit.
Special thanks to Hobbycentrum for sample decals. You can find decals here and note that they also released a poster of the same plane and posters you can find here.
Srecko Bradic