Ultimate placer
I am sure that you have met with many small parts during your modeling time and if you work with photo etched parts, small and very small parts are parts of your life. The problem with small parts is obvious- -how to catch them, control them and maintain?

Among the many solutions, Ultimate Modelling Products offers Ultimate Photo-etch Placer. I must say that I was a bit confused when I got the package, inside was two pencils and I wondered how this can work? All right, let’s first tell some basic info about this product- it comes in a plastic bag and two pencils are inside. They are not sharpened so you need to sharpen it, and you can use the sharpener for cosmetics or school.

My first try was very good, I managed to pick up any small part, plastic, metal, resin and place it wherever I wanted. I even did not sharpen it to the sharp point and it performed so well. And I realized the benefit that it comes as a pencil- this material which sticks to material, during time it loses its adhesive strength and the solution is easy, just sharpen a bit and it comes like new.

This is a must have product!!! My great thanks to Ultimate who provide me sample of this products which can be purchased here!!
Srecko Bradic