Eduard SSW D.III engine
That brassin set is made for Eduard Siemens Schuckert D.III kit.

The original engine of the kit is constituted by three plastic parts. The shape is more than basic, and the engine is not beautiful at all.
The brassin set has many elements in resin and photoetch. It’s a very beautiful one, but the building of that engine asks for attention and a minimum of skill. Parts are fine but some are tiny and can easily be broken during manipulations…
I’ve decided to build both, so I can give you a good comparison of the result. Building technique was same for both: white primer, then Vallejo oily steel with a drop of glossy black for the cylinders, Silver mithril (from Citadel Colors) and black. Cylinders received also a wash made with Citadel brown ink.
As I’ve said, attention and skill but also patience was needed to assemble the Brassin engine but the final result is evident: that set is a big need for your Schuckert. The only restriction I can give is that I will not recommend that set for beginners: a minimum of good experience is needed. Great thanks to Eduard for sample product which could be directly purchased here!
Daniel Clamot