Ultimate sanding tools
Excellent sanding tools are coming from Ultimate Modelling Products and their range is wide enough that can satisfy everybody’s needs. The range is large and here I will present a few of them I have used for review. I have used them on standard plastic as well resin parts.

Let’s start with the starter pack which includes three sanding sticks as well as one finishing/polishing stick. First what caught my eye is the interesting shape, suitable to sand narrow surfaces as well as wide surfaces. Sticks can work wet or dry but a bit better result could be done wet. They are soft; sanding material is placed on some kind of sponge. Interesting that they are double grit and in this pack one stick is 100/180 grit, next is 220/220 grit and last stick is 240/1200 (enough to smooth surface. The last stick is perfect for smoothing the surface before starting priming and painting. During the work they prove very effective in parts preparation as well as sanding join line, filler and cleaning of surface.
Next pack, seen in the first image is the Thinny Sticks. The come six in pack and their range 180, 240 and 1200 grit. The shape is narrow with other half even more narrow. A bit stronger density and they are excellent in various sanding where you have not much space and need to obtain precise and good result. Excellent for the general intermediate work on kit, where things goes into precise fitting and shaping.

The last set seen on first image is my favorite. Thinny Sponges come with five sticks in pack and in size and shape are similar to the previous one but have one different feature- very soft as well the abrasive material is slicked to sponge. This gives outstanding performance in some work like sanding edges, rounded corners, wing tips and so on. Also perfect for surface flattening and removing all possible surface variations, traces of cement, finger prints and so one. Sorry to be a bit a little personal but they are the very favorite to me.
Many more of these products you can find here and you will not regret to buy any of them. Durable and surface sensitive, with good range of shapes, they will definitely become your most important tools in the workshop. Big thanks to generous people from Ultimate who provided me this material for test and review.
Srecko Bradic
Looking for a price as these sticks look so Sensitive to use