Trucks & Tracks Magazine – TNT 32
What a magazine this time !!! I must say I was really impressed when I saw the front cover, depicting the absolutely fabulous but crazy German project of a land cruiser, the P.1000 “Ratte” (= rat)

The article about that stunning and improbable vehicle is very instructive: can you imagine such a monster, with 34m length and, as turret, the one of a naval cruiser like the Gneisenau!!! 24 crewmen at least, that can grow until 41 for some combat missions…
But the magazine is not limited to the “Ratte” (with drawings and plans!); all the other articles are gorgeous! We begin the reading with an article about the LT vz. 35 under foreign colors with nice drawings too; then the Panzer III Ausf. N (the “Tiger guard”) one again detailed with drawings and interesting photos…
Next, the Jeep Willys “symbol of the victory” (for the western allies IMHO; for the Russians sure it was the T34…): genesis of the vehicle, the different versions; equipment… That article remembered me my military duty made in 1978 in the Belgian army: my (elite) unit owned always a handful of Willys; and all the soldiers preferred this one to our more modern jeeps. During maneuvers with Americans, we had some success being aboard our Willys…

The dossier of the magazine is consacred to the Bagration battle that was the starting point for Rusians to take initiative in combat.
Also very interesting is the article about the tank battles during the Kippour war, opposing Centurions and M48 from Israel to the T-54 and T-62 of the Syrian and Egyptian armies.
Finally the magazine closes on a comparison between the T34/76 Models 1941/42 and the Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. G
Well… As said at the beginning of the present article, I have absolutely read all of the pages of that TNT#32 that is, for me, the best ever published. I think the next TNT will be more and more better; so if you have interest for tanks and other vehicles, you cannot avoid that magazine!
Daniel Clamot
Sample publication provided by Caractere
Hello. Where can I get a copy of the July-August 2012 issue of TNT about the P-1000 Ratte?