Huy Model expo 2012
Huy is a town situated on the Meuse river, between Namur and Liège. A nice town, dominated by a (now useless) fortress. The model expo organized every two years by the Amay Modèles Club take place in the IPES school, not so far from the fortress…

Huy is not a BIG, internationally known expo, but it’s a really sympathic one where I have the opportunity to meet lot of fellow modelers from forums, from France and Flanders.
It’s the occasion to speak about models but also about more serious subjects. It’s also, as always with Belgian people and particularily Wallonians, to drink a special beer. This time I discovered the “Paix-Dieu” (“peace-God”); a little jewel brewed not so far from Huy, with a taste of trappist beer…
…But well, subject is more model kits… Ahem…
On some French-speaking forums was also started the idea to come with an humoristic necktie! For a first joking experience, we were 5 people to have beared a tie.
The models exposed were of excellent level. Lots of aircrafts but also tanks, cars, mangas, figures… eye catching, really. There were of course merchants presents and some craftsmen like Dominique Jadoul from RetrokiT, presenting the evolution of his products for the egg planes, detail sets for 1/144 aircrafts and new kits like the M70 and the Kégresse. Some merchants came from Germany but also from Poland and even Czechia!
Since two years there is no contest. The organisators prefer to give awards to the best stands of the expo. Not a bad idea, but on the other hand contests can let come more people…
Anyway, I had a really pleasant day!!!
Daniel Clamot