One of the kits getting into the focus last time was the P-40 in 1/72 scale. Things got more got more interesting just recently when a wartime P-40 was discovered in African desert. Personally I find the early versions of the P-40 most interesting, therefore the Eduard release of two upgrading sets for the 1/72 scale Airfix kit is a welcome addition.

P-40 upgrade
P-40 upgrade

These two sets offer two ways to detail the kit; one is a simple basic upgrade and the other is a more thorough upgrade resulting in an overall redesign of the kit’s appearance. The first set is a self-adhesive set (stock code SS427). It contains all basic elements for the cockpit interior with most parts being already painted. The first step with the basic kit is to remove detailing from the fuselage interior walls, and then the etched parts (there are just a few) need to be painted. The assembling itself can be completed quickly; not many of the original parts are used, being replaced by Eduard parts, including even the pilot’s seat (the new etched seat looks amazing as completed!). The whole deal can be carried out in a few hours, so this set is recommended even for beginners, and can be purchased from here!

But if you wish to do even a better model, then you should grab the other set. It contains the basic set as above, and an additional set with exterior parts. The stock code for this is 73 427. It has replacement parts for many of the original ones, plus some entirely new parts like radiator surfaces, control connectors and landing gear elements. The most significant of these is the landing gear assembly plus a new flaps set. You need to cut out the original flaps and some wing material to provide space for the new flap assembly. You need to be very careful while doing this, and thus this set is not suitable for model makers with little experience.  But when you have completed this upgrade the resulting kit is more than great! This one is definitely recommended for experienced modellers! You can yours here!

Both of these sets are highly recommended!

Srecko Bradic

Thanks to Eduard for sample products

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