Bf110 total solution
The Eduard product with a stock number of 73388 could well be called the ‘Bf110C total solution’. This package presents an upgrade set for the Airfix kit of the Messerchmitt Bf110C and it contains three sheets with etched parts. Two of them include painted parts while the biggest ones are not painted at all.

Unfortunately the Airfix kit of the Bf110 is plagued with shape problems and this gave me an idea to try to use the Eduard set on another kit in the same scale. The main point is that the same set provides complete cockpit interior with just a few parts to be used from the original kit (like the crew seat and control stick) and can be used with any other kit. So I decided to use the old but still a very accurate kit of the Bf110 made by Monogram.
The first step is to paint all unpainted parts in the German interior colour as this makes later work easier and faster. There are a great number of parts; so much patience is needed during the work. The cockpit interior assembly could be completed in one day and, the best of all is that it fits in the old Monogram kit great. It is important to note that a number of interior etched parts are self-adhesive and this reduces the use of glue. I would also like to note that the gel used to bond parts allows adjustment of fitting so there is no need to hurry as with super glue.
A number of parts are to be used on the exterior. There is an aerial loop, radio wires as well as control cables. Parts are also provided for the cowling flaps and this is a nice replacement for the kit.
This is an excellent product allowing to make a very realistic cockpit as well exterior for a Bf110 kit and its contents makes it a solution for others kit in the 1/72 scale as well. I highly recommend this product and you can purchase it directly here!
Srecko Bradic
Sample product provided by Eduard