Long tail Dora

Long tail Dora
[dropcap]S[/dropcap]hortage and chaos in late war industrial manufacture was the reason why some of the Focke Wulf Fw 190D get vertical tail with broader chord, typical feature of the Ta 152 series. There is not much known samples with that type of vertical tail but this for sure make this fighter more interesting. Nice add to their series of the Fw 190 D was Eduard release of this sample with different vertical. This change was simple made by add one more sprue with new fuselage.

There is no specific differences in building method of this kit, compared with previous. Kit stock number is 8189, scale is 1/48 and package coming as Profi pack. So inside you have nice add such as photo etched parts, mask but no resin as some kits from this series had.
Most complex section to build and most sensitive is the one which contain linkages, fuel and oil tanks as well armament. Most important thing is that wall of this sections need to be very precisely assembled in correct angles, any omission could make very harder mounting of the wing later. So take care when make this section. All of the rest is very straightforward and easy to do.
Kit include few parts options including of different canopy, wheels, armament and so on. My choice to final kit is the sample which is best known and it flew in JG 26, sample machine with W.Nr. 500647. It have late war camouflage and other detail of interest is the flat type of wheel tire (two types in kit box). From the available images I have make some changes from the original camouflage proposed by manufacturer in assembly instruction.
If you are Dora fan this is for sure kit for you!
Srecko Bradic
Sample kit provided by Jan Zdiarsky from Eduard