Aces of the Legion Condor

Aces of the Legion Condor
[dropcap]S[/dropcap]panish civil war was the polygon for development of the tactics and armament for the future wars. The same war was result of very bad social situation in that country and opposed sides were supported mostly by Germany and Soviet Union. Osprey has published excellent book which cover aerial fights over Spain and Legion Condor aces. Legion Condor was the name of the unit of the German pilots sent to fight in Spain.

First chapter have some unusual name The gentleman from Tetuan and this chapter is very important introduction into the book as provide to reader in depth info about the situation in Spain, either political as well social. Inside this chapter is also included info of the important contact between the Spanish and German officials and initial forming og the Legion Condor and sending as clandestine group in Spain. At the 25. August 1936 Legion Condor pilots did their first mission- combat patrol in support of the drive on Madrid. Book basic info:
Title: Aces of the Legion Condor
Author: Robert Forsyth
Publisher: Osprey
Format: B5 softcover
Pages: 112
ISBN: 978-1-84908-347-8
Like no others books in this subject, this book offer very interesting info as well some interesting images. There should be noted that author spent some time in Spain in research of the subject and no wonder that book is done in top level. Book have a number of archive images and color plates with color profiles of Heinkel He 51, Heinkel He 112 and Bf 109 used in Spain and interesting details is separate plate with unit insignia. From page 102 are appendices which provide focus info related to the Legion Condor aces. Many of this aces become later prominent unit leaders during the WW2.
Excellent title! You can buy it direct here!!!
Srecko Bradic
Sample book provided by Joseph McCullough, Marketing Coordinator Osprey Publishing