White Ensign Soviet WW2 colors


Long time ago I have collect a number of available models related to the Soviet WW2 warplanes. And more over I need some ten years to search until I have found info how many camouflage was used, which colors and so on. That was the time when all painting instructions suggest finishing Kozedub’s La-7 in green topside and this was far from true. Now you are lucky and do you know why? Because White Ensign do this job for you!!!!

White Ensign provide on market a set of seventeen colors for the Soviet WW2 warplanes and this set cover airplanes from the age much before the war and until the end of the war. Off course this colors are used also after the war so no worry even if you plan to do some Korea conflict models.

Soviet camouflage colorI have to say that I was some doubtful how somebody from the UK, not former USSR, could obtain good info and create modelers replica of the military colors. When I have seen the set and make spray colors it was clear that they do this job best possible. In this color set was used highly accurate archive data, study from the preserved color samples and some of the best researchers are support this.

Inside this set is also available color for the airplane interior as well some of the basic protective coats. They are all semi gloss and have very good drying properties. Some 6 hours after application they are finger print resistant and even more resistant to the tight nail scratches…

Colors are enamel based but I have mixed it with nitro thinner and no problem I have found and no change in appearance. I have do spray with two type of airbrush, Sogolee AB2000 D with 0,2 mm nozzle and Sogolee 3500 and in both it work well. Here you are the photo of LaGG-3 with White Ensign underside color and as you see color give very authentic appearance.

What else to say… if you are VVS fan here it is final answer for you and if you are now it is last time to change you mind? I enjoy in making of the Soviet plastic kit from the Great Patriotic War age and now this color make me to enjoy the more and not to worry any more about it’s authentic finish- White Ensign is here!!! Highly recommended!!!

Srecko Bradic

Sample color provided by John Snyder from White Ensign

1 thought on “White Ensign Soviet WW2 colors

  1. > And more over I need some ten years to search until I have found info how many camouflage was used, which colors and so on.

    You can find some info on http://www.airwar.ru. There more information.

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